Hi! Typed up on 7:43 AM 11/27/97 Questions? Comments? Mail me sir! Sinyaso@aol.com CastleVania III Dracula's Curse The Page http://members.aol.com/Sinyaso/start.html Thanksgiving, 1995. My cousin Frankie came over to spend the night. Mom was out for a while, so it was Frank, me...and Dracula...Dracula X! We played through until I decided to code in the last stage. We made it to Dracula many ,boring, times. I like this one in particular, cuz there's a funny comment in the end. Our .wav file begins.... Eric: And now he's gonna fight the devil of Dracula. {Drac's final form appears. Bommerangs hit it.} Eric: Ooh! Oh! Oh! Do an Item Crash. X. X. Wait, wait till you next to him. Wooh! Aight. Go go go. Go. Go! Keep going. Frank(?): Oh! Eric: Go Frankie, Chef Eric, Lici Pieces. {A long time ago, we went to the base, where they dispatch all those cabs. My aunt works there. They used to have this 'game' where you'd bet on a horse, watch the video, and hoped you won. According to Frank, Go Frankie and Chef Eric were two choices. Lici pieces was thrown in there to make fun of my other cuz, Lici.} Eric: Item Crash X. X. X. Press X! Press X! X! Press, press X! {Item Crash} Eric: YES. He's gonna beat him. Now go. {Success nears} Eric: O! He's gonna beat him!!!!! CAREFUL! Oh...yes! {Two more hits left} Eric: Two more hits! {Hit and death} Eric: Nooooooo! AH HAHAHA! Frankie: AAaaw my gawd! Now I feel guilty. Eric: (laugh-in) That was depressing.