Welcome to the initial BLAST OFF of "INTABYU DESU!!!" which, with my limited knowledge of the Japanese language, might mean, "It's an interview!" Let's set it off by bringing in our first victim, a new star in the CV WorldWide, CV_OTAKU! YEAAAAH BABY!

DCTP Intabyu Desu: CV_Otaku of The Castle Bathroom

DCTP:  Hail, hail!  CV_Otaku is now up in this spot.  Mind if I call you CastleVania Otaku?

CV_Otaku:  Well, I'd prefer "Grandmaster of all that is good" Castlevania Otaku. But, I'll make an exception for the MAN!

DCTP:  Heh heh.  Thanks.  What's been your experience with CastleVania?

CastleVania Otaku:  First experience?  Okay, let me start off by saying, that I have been a Nintendo guy for most of my life. Anyway, I remember popping in CV1 into the Nintendo, and playing it. All I really specifically remember is the absolute fun I had with the game. Unfortunately, I didn't beat it for a while after that (come on, I was like 8) but, I got a ways. After that, I got CV2 and I actually beat that one (Drac was such a wuss). Then I kind of bowed out of the CV scene until CV4 and Dracula X brought me back. I then played CV3 (excellent game) and of course, a few years later, I played "Symphony".

DCTP:  What drove you to create The Castle Bathroom?

CastleVania Otaku:  Well, it started out being "The Castle of Dracula" which was a rather serious site. It had a cool logo though. Anyway, then I happened to chance upon some older CV sites such as yours, and Kurt's Castlevania Dungeon. I knew that I should probably do something I chose humor.

DCTP:  Alot of CastleVaniacs tend to think of DCTP as "THE" site when it comes to CastleVania humor.  How will you handle things differently at the Castle Bathroom?  For example, what is your humor style like?

CastleVania Otaku:  Well, since I'm trained in the art of 'stealth' first instinct is to slit your throat, but it'll pass. Anyway, I think that since my site is DEDICATED to CV Humor, and not just a section of a bigger site, I feel that that should set me aside from sites like yours...of course, I'll never be able to compete with Humor Me. And as far as my style? Sarcastic, obnoxious, and cynical.

DCTP:  Hmm...I don't think DCTP is THAT big...  As of this interview, TCB is in its early stages.  What are your future plans for TCB?

CastleVania Otaku:  To piss off as many people as possible. Nah, I'd like to see this site grow to unimaginable proportions. And, I'm sure it will. I've got some new stuff planned, which should keep the people coming back for more.

DCTP:  Which CastleVania is your favorite?

CastleVania Otaku:  Um, there any other? Nah, I like CV3, and Dracula X: Rondo of Blood.
DCTP:  Which CastleVania character is favorite?

CastleVania Otaku:  Um, Sonia is Hot (avoids brick from Womyn's Lib) But, Christopher has a cool name. And Richter is pretty suave.

DCTP:  Yeah, yeah, Sonia just had to happen.  Chris was cool, and Rich's bad-tail in Blood's Rondo.  Do you have a favorite do-badder of the series?

CastleVania Otaku:  SHAFT, He's a Ladies man, whom no one understands but his woman. He'd risk his neck for the brother man. Yep, Shaft is one bad mother-(Shut your mouth) I'm only talking about Shaft (We can dig it). But, 70s Pop Culture icons aside. I like the bats.

DCTP:  I should've seen that coming... 

DCTP:  Describe your favorite CastleVania memory.

CastleVania Otaku:  Beating Frankenstien and Igor on CV1 for the first time...that truly beats any other happy moment. I was dancing, and jumping...and then my Nintendo Froze. I was depressed.

DCTP:  Really?!  My Nintendo's been doing the same thing alot recently, but only in the middle of my CV1 Dracula fight!  AAAAAARRGH!!!

DCTP:  What are your thoughts on the upcoming DreamCastleVania?

CastleVania Otaku:  Aside from the fact that Konami's got their heads up their asses? I think it'll be really good if it ever comes out.

DCTP:  Cruel, but good word use.  I await the 2D-er as well.  Is there anything you'd like to ask me?

CastleVania Otaku:  Will you marry me?

DCTP:  ACK!  Um...I'm spoken for!  Right, um, Akane?  Torpedo riding anime ladies dressed like bunnies always make excellent backup.  Plus her spread missles are THE BOMB!  You'd better ask somebody!

CastleVania Otaku:  Gees man, you don't have to say "ACK!" You really know how to break a man's heart. Oh well, I will win you over *Grave voice* I will.  

DCTP:  Ehhh...I'll watch my step...  ANYWAY, thanks for your making history as interviewee one, and I wish you stamina and good luck on The Castle Bathroom.

CastleVania Otaku:  Was this a question?  

DCTP:  No, man!  It's the formal way The Nintendo Old Skool used to close their interviews!  Continue plug.

CastleVania Otaku:  Dedicated to the light side of something so dark!

Do you have a CastleVania site and want to be interviewed?

CastleVania Otaku has left the building.

Last Edited 1-4-2001