Sunday, August 30, 1998. 12:49 PM. Skies are sunny, partial cloudiness. Why won't Red Reamer join the castlevania webring? Personal reasons. You know, I've been to webrings, and I see what these people are doing. True, a webring can be used to find major amounts of information on the topic the ring is based on, but it is also a good, if not the BEST place to find sites that aren't really that well designed. Or, as I had put it to another member of the "CastleVania site Trinity", and I quote myself in 6-97, when Dracula's Curse was starting out, and this is in regards to many Sailor Moon info sites on rings..."--I don't like webrings. They're like cries for help! It's like, 'oh, pleeease see my site! That's why I joined this ring in the first place!' ...I, myself, I don't need a webring, I can hold my own!" That was a very bold speech for that time, a time when only a handful knew about Dracula's Curse, a time when Dracula's Curse was regarded as being a "NES site", a time when two of the "CV Site Trinity" existed on a certain trapezoid, ...but I still stick by that proclamation. "I can hold my own!" Here's another reason. I don't want to be connected IN ANY WAY with a certain monochrome CastleVania...or shall I say, mostly Dracula X series, site that, in it's origin, blatently ripped GRAPHICS and INFORMATION from the CastleVania Dungeon, who also was granted permiss to borrow a few boss graphics and information of a certain CV site by yours truly. So me and the leader of the CV trinity shut it down momentarily. There, I said it. I don't want to be connected in any way to a certain Rainxxx Belmont's castlevania web page, whatever the title is, correct me if I'm wrong, Rainxxx, which is on the castlevania webring., if I'm desperate, I just might let Belmont's Revenge slip into the castlevania webring. I'm not saying that the sites on the ring are crap, I'll only know for sure if I go thru it, but, I'm just putting off the decision until later, like when a certain Barnyard Belmondo site becomes defunct. The best CastleVania sites on the 3rd planet from the center of our Solar System exist on the castlevania webring. Hell, I've been invited to join twice now, I was CHOSEN! Drac's Curse must be one of the BEST! I'm honored, but I take it cool, I take it humble. But I can't say that I'll join any time soon. Maybe when all the useful information about CV3 has been finally poured in, and Drac's Dirty Language becomes as meaningless as a melon, will you find this place residing near a former black and white xerox copy of the Dungeon... -EPILOGUE- One day I'll find that this resistance to join would be futile. And when I ask the man to stick me in the ring, he'll say "no.", I'll feel quite silly. Hmm... Dracula's Curse has existed longer than Rainard's! Why am I stalling? When I join, does that mean I'm selling out to my previous beliefs about the HTML codes that fomulate a ring of related Computer Internetwork Documents? 8-30-98 1:17PM. ...END TRANSMISSION......-----------