Cool Character for a While


I wonder what would happen if the guy said, 'You may now kiss the bride'...

So I received an e-mail from this dude, and he said, "you should put up those guys that look like Ctulhus with octopuses on their heads". So I did it! Meet Malachi! The Malachi is a strange demon, man! As previously stated, these seem to have octopuses as heads, and they look like Ctulhus, the scruffy things! These must be named after that priest Malachi in the bible. They will first flap up and hover, making an evil shield with a skull representation, and a flashing orb will fire out, using sound effects found in the Jetsons. You know, when they use those computers in the show? Minivac?, it makes that kind of noise? I'm not sure, but it may try to grab you with its big mitts if you come close, and if it does kill you, he might do a victory roar! I say might, because I've only seen Ctulhus claw and roar. Try to obtain the Dark arnsenal Malachi may leave behind, the Dark Armor and Dark Sword.

Who's next here (after Blue Gargoyle, after Zapf Bat? Mail me!


Past Cool Guys:

Bone Ark

Fire Demon

Legion \ Granfalloon
Owl Knight and Friends
Count Dracula
Grim Reaper
Giant Green Armor (Sword Lord)
Heads: Dracula's Second Form
Maria Renard





Author's Note: This file was reconstructed using the Bone Ark file as a template,
along with a printout dated 3-30-98, made around the time I SHOULD
be doing computer...I mean...TYPING work. The image for the Malachi was
missing that day, as I can tell from the absent picture, its faded border
replacement, the little MSIE 3 missing image icon, and microscopic ALT tag.
(good thing it WAS missing; otherwise, no cute ALT tag!)

Oh, and P.S., this IS what an H.P. Lovecraft Cthulhu would
look like, it was just renamed for reasons unknown, just like the
Chupacabras of the Japanese version being renamed Cave Troll.

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Last Edited: Sunday, Ferbruary 25, 2001