Cool Character for a While

This spot finally features a cool dude!
Who's next? Mail me!



Woah! Look here! It's Dracula! Woah! Wow wee! Why is he soooo cool that he appears here? Gee, I don't know...perhaps it's because he can turn into lots of gross things, or the fact that every appearance of his spawns a new CastleVania game, or perhaps it's his talent to create vicious boss characters! I mean look at Slogra, and the Zapf Bat (I always called it Zaps), and what about a Phantom Bat?!?! A dinosaur, a bat made out of lunch money, and a big bad bat with a nice smile! :). Whew, what's next for this man? Have you seen him recently? Look at that noble cool style! It's like "Hey Alucard, want to have tea and crumpets?" "No." "Then prepare to taste the rage of my big ball o dead bodies boss!"
"AAAAAAaaaaaaahhhhhh............" For the unappointed time period, Count Dracula surely is the man!


Past cool guys:
Giant Green Armor
Heads: Dracula's Second form
Maria Renard






Author's Note: This file, line breaks, sloppy html, [IMAGE] alt tags and all,
was rebuilt from scratch using a printout made on 11/19/97, 1:54:02 PM EST.
Putting this one in around the time I SHOULD have been busy working in computer class...
rather...TYPING class... Anyway, isn't that 1997 HTML messy?! Bolds! Alignments! Yikes.
Brought to you 3 years ago by America Online's Personal Publisher
and experienced by yours truly on a 640x480 screen...

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Last Edited: Sunday, February 25, 2001