Mature Audiences Only?!?!

"What the hell is this Mature Readers Only...May Contain Curses and Boinking and Other Stuff the Kids Shouldn't See Until their Minds can Handle it... crap?! Mature Audiences?! Since when?! What the F%$# is Mature Readers Only...May Contain Curses and Boinking and Other Stuff the Kids Shouldn't See Until their Minds can Handle it... ?! What do you mean there's some things I can only see if I'm Mature Audiences?!"

"Ehm....exactly as you're inferring it, Al, you freakin' genius. So what the heck is it, and what does it mean? Well you know me...and if you don't, know that I've always wanted to look out for my readers, same way I looked out for my younger friend before he got his own Machine of Power, and before he terminated Berrigan's Chambers to pursue a more ambitious H-game enterprise which he named JaySoft.


"Dracula's Curse was intended from the getgo to be the epitome of CastleVania III web experience for those whom had originally played the game as a 1990's youth, such as I was. Most of we kids from the turn of the 1980's decade are by this time adults, if not dead, of course.

O_0, "What terrible thing to say!!!"

"Shut up for a minute.

"What many of the webheads aren't aware of is the fact that there is a small percentage of people on the WorldWide who are those 10 and 11 year olds we used to be. They're the (un?)lucky ones who are new to CastleVania III Dracula's Curse (and hopefully would discover why the NES game is superior to its NUCV counterparts BLEH! >:P ). So I have to keep an eye out for them. That's why DCTP seems so 'family oriented', or 'Dizknee,' or however the heck that female dog once said it.

"After all, it is not my place in DCTP to expand the youth's curse vocabulary and awareness of vulgarities. (That's why I sent all of my own objectionable creations to Ratzuo's RSitM. ^_^ ) They can learn all that on their own without my help. We've got enough EZBoards/Forums/Message Boards/Newsgroups, AOL Chat Rooms, IRCs and one thousand three hundred thirtyseven (1337) wannabes out there.

"In other words, I don't want to be responsible for contaminating their...not fraile, but let's just say, unstained minds with some of the more mature contents DCTP links have lead to in recent years, such as H."


"Hentai. It's the Japanese word which means something to the effect of 'pervert', but on the internet is more commonly used to refer to adult images and H-Games, such as Purupuru Magic, Elysion ~eien no Sanctuary~ (Elysion ~Sanctuary of Forever~), and Kaononai Tsuki (Surfaceless Moon). Pr0n, is what the next generation has come to call it. Heh heh heh...'pr0n'... Anyway, it should also be noted that, whether or not you're aware of it, hentai features some of the sharpest, elaborate, and most unique artistic stylings I've ever seen!"

"Heh heh heh...mmmhmmm... SUUUUUUUUURE it does!!!"

"I'm glad to see we're in agreement, Al!!!"


"Therefore, the Mature Readers Only...May Contain Curses and Boinking and Other Stuff the Kids Shouldn't See Until their Minds can Handle it... tag comes in For Great Justice, and Chance of Survive. I place the little notation beside links which lead to sites and contents that might contain stuff the kids might get into trouble for if they were ever caught seeing it before their time."


"As an asterisk; if you found yourself emotionally capable to play CastleVania Symphony of the Night, rated T for blood and nudity, you should be okay. But use your own good judgement, please. "

"Wow! I love you, Eric Roman!"

"...I don't care if you are the REAL Alucard. Get the hell away from me."

"Gasp! You said hell!!! You never said that on DCTP before!!!"


"Gasp! You said--!!!"


Continue to Link Me Up, smartie...'re Velcome Back anytime, y'know.

DCTP-MA Updated to Links on October 14, 2001
Section seperated from Links and re created 12-03-2001
Last Edited 1-21-2002