CastleVania III
Dracula's Curse
( with Grant!)

''HAH!  GRANT SLASH!!!''This discovery is the result of browsing The CastleVania Dungeon's new forum for but a few minutes.

In addition to the few character glitches alluded to in DCTP's Allies section, The Warp Zone has discovered this sensational glitch. Read all about it here.

The ole switcheroo.

For better results, perform the transformation as Trevor's descending the stairs, in the middle frame of his walk sequence ('standing straight'-looking), and just before the next screen comes up. Also, make sure the bottom of his foot is below the scene, as you can see by Grants positioning. This screensnap was taken near the end of the switch, but the foot-scene lineup is the same.

Then, all you have to do is go downstairs; this'll happen instantly, anyway, then go up...

The new glitcheroo.

And in this instance, as in the others cited in Warp Zone's report, you'll continue ascending!

??????!!!!!!! ''Woah...that Chronic is kinda strong.''

You'll then find yourself in this bizarre convolusion (get a dictionary) of NES graphics! You can keep going up if you want, but this was from my first attempt, so I tried going backwards...

''My name is Grant.  I dreamed I was turned into a pot head.''

...and landed at the end of 6-01. It walked me down into the block I'm standing on, which I was easily able to climb/hop out.

''Ooops!  Almost slipped!  Hey, what're you doing in this room????''

This fresh new situation is the result of another attempt from the same location. On my 4th try, I managed to keep going. After the puzzling room, a black room with the bat casually fluttering by, an abandoned room filled with random tiles, I couldn't beleive what I saw next...

Trevor Fake:  ''YEAH! YEAH!  WOOP!  WOOP!'' Trevor Real:  ''Shoot me.''

Once you arrive in this room, you'll hear the Bone Dragon King busting in, along with the appropriate theme, but all you see is another Trevor jammin on top!

11 years after my first CastleVania III experience, this is truly the most bizzare thing I've ever seen out of the game. This even rivals the Dracula's skull-heads. MAN.

But wait...there's more! (Judging from the tile layout of this room, this looks to be patterned after the room just below that of the Ultimate Evil, Bone Dragon King.)

This is what we call a true bludgeoning to the dome-piece.

After trying to navigate the room (I STUPIDLY stepped off the left side) I finally got on level with UmJammerTrevor and smacked him one in the head, to no avail.

That thing I'm aiming at is of the Contra Hard Corps Alien caliber...

After your--and its--transformation, a Grant slash is also ineffective. (Yeah, I'm no where near the convulsing beast in this shot, but trust me on this one, okay?)

An ineffective dagger hit...maybe it doesn't work because he has...NO ENERGY TO SPEAK OF???

Dagger on point! This Partner Spirit is not human. It feels no pain! (Its energy line is non-existant!) IT CANT BE REASONED WITH!!

I advise further research into this glitch. It may have some applications we're unaware of! Like...I don't know!!! But anyway, during your next CV3 journey, if you're trying this out and you discover more strange interior redecorating going on, let me know!

''Who the eff does that character think he is???'' Back to Dracula's Curse THE (glitch free?) PAGE!!! ''What the eff is that moron gawking at?''

Created: 10-26-2001 11:13PM EST
Last Edited: 7-2-2002