The REAL Slim Sloggy!
Ralphy's Nonsense!

Going by numerous monikers along the road (Lecacy Boy, Slogra, The Great Ralphy Boy), I first ran into Ralphy Boy at The CastleVania Dungeon Forums in the midst of spring 2002, when The ParoVadius Project was coming on strong. Everybody dug it, but his interest was relentless and he would go on to remain ParoVadius Junkie #1 to this very day.

As it turns out, Ralphy, like Jason, is also a HUGE fan of THE MAN!!!, Slogra!

Around that time, CastleVania: Harmony of Dissonance was also on the rise, and when the forums dropped the (Japanese) ROM (ahead of schedule) at the top of June, we were ALL over that! You'll soon notice how much fun he had with the HoD guys...

Along the years and the boards, Ralphy has also been involved in many a homebrew, including the lost masterpiece Whip It! (featuring ParoVadius' hero as a boss!) and the long-dormant epic Super Vampire Killer, which, rumor has it, is slated to make a fresh return under a new name.

Wanna know more? Seek him out at Ralphy's Nonsense and The CastleVania Villa!


01. CV2000: SLOGGY'S REVENGE IN NEW YORK CITY- Hah! As if my hometown didn't have enough problems, it looks like Slogra's arrived to take revenge! ...but for what...? And against whom? We may NEVER know, Ralphy Boy! He premieres on DCTP with this one, by the way.

02. Slogra VS. John 1 - 2 - 3
Ralphy Boy's completely nuts sequel to Andy's Slogra and Lecarde comic!

03. Why the USA (and other places') H.o.D. was Delayed 1 - 2 - 3
If you wonder why our release of the next GBA breakout, CastleVania: Harmony of Dissonance, has been delayed until September, then look no further than this Ralphy Boy comic for the answer.

04. Skull Knight's "nice" day 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 Mature Audiences Only.  May contain some stuff that'll get you in trouble if bla bla bla, just click the letters.
A charming and endearing tale, set in the not-too-distant last Tuesday, about The Skull Knight, Junior, and His Wife, comic'd by the great Ralphy Boy. BONUS!!! A preview to his next comic venture, ROMANIAN POLICE!!!

05. Richter's New Move...HOLY $H!T!!! Mature Audiences Only.  May contain some stuff that'll get you in trouble if bla bla bla, just click the letters.- I wonder who put Ralphy Boy up to this one... :| Could this really be where CV Humor is heading? Not as long as I'm around. >) Ahem...anyway, unlike the move Al geniused up in Sheldon's '97 kick of a pic, this one doesn't really look like it has a use... Maybe it does, but luckily no one's around to get drowned!

06. Trevor VS Richter- What DID Trevor do with all that cash he got during his quest? Find out when "everyone's favorite Belmont" takes on his superior ancestor in Ralphy Boy's Trevor VS Richter! Too much sap for just one blood, though. I mean, too much blood for just one sap! o_o Vroom.


07. The Life Story of Richter Belmont 1 - 2 Mature Audiences Only.  May contain some stuff that'll get you in trouble if bla bla bla, just click the letters.
Ralphy Boy reveals the nonsensical TRUE story of Richter Belmont! Sweet Babs cameo, by the way... :]

08. catkill.gif- In this Ralphy Boy animation, Richter gets Maria's pussy and the result is definitely NOT pretty...! (GOTCHA!)

09. Richter realizes he is dead Mature Audiences Only.  May contain some stuff that'll get you in trouble if bla bla bla, just click the letters.- I don't think Ralphy Boy likes Richter very much... :]

10. Simon Sez (Richter)- Simon VS Richter? Ralphy answers this question quick!

11. Simon Sez (Media Player)- I don't think he likes the new Media Player, either. I prefer Media Player 2.0 to the newfangled 9.0 series with MEGS of features I...just...don't...use!


12. DCTPBDAY 9- Trevor arrives Brawny Man-style for DCTP's ninth anniversary, courtesy Ralphy Boy!

Still fiendin' for Ralphy?
Check out Ralphy's Nonsense and The CastleVania Villa!

Created: May 18, 2008
Debuted: June 5, 2009
Last Edited: June 4, 2009